Until today, I didn’t really identify with a style for my home interior. I made up all kinds of names trying to describe it: Country-cashe (short for ‘casual’), rustic-mod, moderustic. Bo-rustahemian. You get where I’m going with this, right?? In reality, my spaces were just messy and no style could show through – BUT – I still had this faint idea of what I was going for. The image below perhaps describes it a little. I’m talking about Hygge.
Image source: one
The difference for me though, is that I’m always thinking of how a place FEELS, not just how it looks. And sometimes, even though I find an all-white, modern interior beautiful… it feels cold to me. It feels hard. So after living in countless apartments across the country and owning three homes, I’ve cycled a bit in my home interior style. But TODAY, I learned a new word, and it resonates with me so deeply, it’s as if I knew the word all along.
Pronounced, “hue-gah” or “hoo-gah”
What is hygge? If you haven’t already heard of this danish concept, I’ll quick break it down for you in a western way. Hygge = insanely cozy. Coziness on all levels:
In your home
-Think warm blankets & pillows, candles and ambient lighting, a fireplace or area of physical warmth.
In your clothes
-Think big slouchy slippers or woven socks, oversized sweaters, comfy pants.
In your mind
-Think ‘feel good music’, a stimulating book, (such as this one, that’s all about Hygge!) or deep, intimate conversation.
In your heart
-Think being surrounded by your immediate family, pets, or an evening in with your closest friends.
In your stomach
-Think delicious warm drinks (like tea, or hot cocoa), sweet small morsels of cake, or even a warm, rich breakfast with bacon, sausage and eggs.
THIS IS Hygge. To be hyggly is to be cozy and content. To be hyggly is to feel comfortable inside and out with yourself, your loved ones, and your status. And to surround yourself with simple comforts. ANYONE can do this! It doesn’t take a lot of money to hygge, and it’s just as much in the mind as it is in your surroundings.
Again, this concept is new to me… but it’s the closest I’ve ever felt to true inspiration when considering my space. Ready to hygge with me? 😉