I don’t know about you, but I find that ‘cleaning house’ is a lot easier said than done. And KEEPING a tidy house is even more difficult. We’ve all been there… It’s Friday afternoon and you’re having friends over in a couple hours — and suddenly you realize your house is a MESS. So you jump into action with a level of energy you definitely didn’t have before. And BAM! Your house is super clean.
Then you have an awesome evening with friends (while giving the illusion that you’re a really put together person). They leave and you say to yourself, “That was easy, I’m going to keep my house like this all the time!”.
Jump 3 days later… and you guessed it. A mess again. Sound familiar?? This is my life too.
WHY IS THIS? It’s probably because of one or all of these things:
- You don’t have good habits for putting things way when you’re done using them. If you’re notoriously messy, then you most likely think you’ll ‘clean up later’. This is not okay. This is why we’re in this mess to begin with!
- You try to cram too much into your day. If you think you’re always busy, you probably ARE! We messy people often try to do ‘just more more thing’. We need to stop this way of thinking and be realistic about how much time these tasks take. The sun will rise tomorrow, things can wait.
- Your possessions don’t have a home. If there’s anything I’m learning from the Kon Mari Method, it’s that everything in your house should have a home. EVERYTHING. Your shoes, your hair tie, your bag/wallet, your headphones, everything…
I may sound like an expert on the topic, but that’s just because I do an insane amount of research, and I don’t really practice what I preach. (which is a bummer, because if I could just follow my own advice I’d be golden!!). But that’s about to change. Yep, as of today, I’m starting a new journey into being a tidier, more minimalist person. I even made a video to prove I’m serious about this! 😉
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