Just a quick post today:
Spring is here, and I think it’s for real this time. 🙂 Granted, it did snow once last week, but after a few days above 50º I’m feeling hopeful. Dan celebrated his birthday this past weekend with a HUGE bonfire. …and by ‘bonfire’ what I really mean is we got a burn permit and lit the motel’s brush pile!
Word to the wise – don’t let a brush pile sit for too long. This thing was so huge, it took all weekend to burn (including burning into the night). Needless to say, neither of us got good very good sleep because we were so nervous having a fire burning unattended in the backyard. But it felt great – and on top of celebrating for Dan – it felt like the perfect kickoff into Spring.
As we were searching the grounds for additional logs/brush to burn, we found an old sign for our motel. (Don’t worry, we didn’t burn it!). I have to say, I’m kind of in love with it! I want to clean it up a bit and use it somewhere on the grounds, more on that later I’m sure. 🙂
I think it’s time for me to start showing more of the motel to you all and get a list of projects going. It’s going to be a good year, I can feel it. ☺